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Exchange of educational experience: Poland – Ukraine

On 17 September 2018, a group of teachers from Ukraine visited our institution (the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Centre for Education of Teachers – KPCEN) as part of their study visit in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship “Management of education at the local level”. The representatives of Ukrainian teachers from the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts were interested in the issues connected with consulting services andcourses provided by KPCEN for teachers in our region. The group of visitors included the president of the Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, the vice-director of the Department of Education of the Luhansk Oblast Administration, an expert in the SKL International Program, a regional education expert of the U-LEAD Program, a legal counsel of the Centre for the Development of the Local Government, regional leaders of education, headmasters of schools. The guests were welcomed by Sławomir Żebrowski, the head of KPCEN in Toruń. The next person to speak was Ostap Bodyk, the president of the Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, the higher education institution in Ukraine which trains future teachers and pedagogues. He briefly presented the range of the activities of the institution.

Danuta Potręć, a consultant of KPCEN in Toruń, in a multimedia presentation described the initiatives undertaken in Toruń’s KPCEN. She underlined that our institution belongs to a group of accredited educational centres. She also presented the organizational structure of KPCEN in Toruń, the number of employees, their responsibilities, along with the short statistical data concerning the number of courses and teachers who completed trainings in KPCEN in the previous school year. Danuta Potręć also showed the webpage of KPCEN and explained how the institution operates in the social media; she also mentioned the journal for teachers Kujawsko-Pomorski Przegląd Oświatowy UczMy being the journal’s co-editor.

The main part of the presentation of the work of KPCEN was devoted to courses, cooperation networks, conferences, innovative teaching methods, competitions, and both regional and national projects financed by the European Union. Danuta Potręć presented to the guests the study visits to Finland, Estonia, China, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and Switzerland, during which education experts from our region could exchange theirexperience with their colleagues from other countries. She stressed that KPCEN also organizes similar visits to Polish state centres such as the Centre for Talent Development in Gdańsk.

The presentation of our institution being finished, the head of KPCEN Sławomir Żebrowski encouraged the guests to ask questions. Our guests were interested in the kind and duration of courses offered by KPCEN, the most popular trainings for teachers, how the consultants of KPCEN develop their skills and qualifications, how the education of teachers is financed in our country, what institution supervises centres for the education of teachers, and what the career path of Polish teachers looks like. The person who helped in the discussion was Piotr Szostak, a member of the delegation, who was also the interpreter. The Ukrainian education specialists were interested in official regulations concerning the work of our consultants and the organization of courses.

Our Ukrainian guests were impressed by the variety of the educational offer for teachers and other initiatives undertaken by the staff of KPCEN in Toruń. Responding to those comments, Sławomir Żebrowski emphasized that the teacher’s profession is very dynamic and requires constant development, which means that the offer of educational centres for teachers needs to be competitive. He also underlined that in the Polish education system much importance is given to the national exams taken by students. As teachers are responsible for the performance of their students, consultants who educate teachers should provide them with a highly innovative offer of courses correspondingto the requirements of the education system and modern conditions.

Dominika Wojtasińska,
The Department of Information and Promotion of KPCEN in Toruń
Translated by Agnieszka Chabros,
The Department of Information and Promotion of KPCEN in Toruń

Seminarium dla specjalistów poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznych
Zakończyliśmy kurs kwalifikacyjny z zakresu zarządzania oświatą w roku szkolnym 2018/2019
polityka prywatności

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